Made By:Snaily
bulletproofdesigns (comments)
Displaying 281 - 300 of 314 comments
Ok I will Look...*opens 1st pic*...
OMG *PUFFS*!!!!Haha Niice ;D(rest of the cmnt is in the pic xP)!
Haha YAYZ..I Got You xD.
Ok...*The Band Lines Up,and Recieves/gives back Hugs 2 ya*..awww xD
Lmao I Know..haha..but IDK what to have as my song right now,and I'm liking Lady Gaga right now xP!
LMAO GOOD ONE*high 5*...I like your song..sounds nice ^ ^.
Aww I WILL MISS YOU!!!..BUT OF COURSE I WILL WAIT FOR YOU!!!!!*MAJOR HUGS*..Don't worry,I'll be here :)!
Lolz..THANK YOU!!!*hugs back* x3!!
Haha..IDK..i couldn't think of anything for Pon xD..
Oh...That's Some Talent ;D hehe!
AHHH OK!!!*stops you from changing*...oh looks like it changed by its self = -.- =''''...xP..AHH STOP!!!!* *Puffs* Chains your hands to a bar,so you can't code anything*..haha HOW BOUT THAT?!
Lolz..OK!!!..*pulls out drawing pad* xD..Haha YAYZ!!!Lol..each one has a little accessory-a Coffee Cup,a Vegetable,a Bear,a Tissue*cracks up*,and lastly,a blanket XD(idk :P)..Haha Of Course We Can't forget Them :)!! all That Gold*shiny* 8D...lolz haha It was only one time..i guess it wasn't bad x)
LOLZ YESSS!!!..haha I want a radish-Plush then*designs a cute plushie*..OH YEAH I GOT IT :D!!!..
Eh Oh!!*is prepared*..haha but Im Prepared :D!!..yayz That's Nice(I can't Wait)^ ^
Aww..Ok.. o-.-'O..shoot!
I also notied something about Puffs that I like/love...His Eyes(they're soo beautiful :D).Lolz..though in "Cross Game"..idk wy he wanted to wear those contacts xP!
Lolz..YES RADISH!!!x3...aww Thank You*hugs*!!!..and Thanxs for the other Cmnt(on S.G.D)..haha that song is awesome ;)
Ahh,You're Welcome :D!!!Um..if there's a % in the comment body....
EX: .comment_body {width:100%; margin-left:0;} -make the width 0%!!!.that should get rid of the __________'s on the box :D!
Ah,Yes You Learn Fast ^ ^V *hugs*...
lolz anyways...
LMAO I WISH xDD..haha but No(thank goodness)!Man those are some good nicknames(haha we only came up with 2..but oh well):D
Oh..I didn't Know he did,but that's Nice!!Lolz me too *PUFFS* [*=Puff's puffs xD].
LMAO IDK..hmm That's Hard..It's Empty Right Now xP
HAHA EXACTLY!!!..that's the Plan xD!!
lmao..I now..I can play it off,but some ppl actually can tell Im young x)!
Lol..we're just 1 yr'll be 15,and i'll be 16 ^ ^V!..YAYZ!!*hugs*
...haha YAYZ PUFFS AND LATTE-KUN..lmao I can sooo get use to saying these names xDDD!
.comment_img {display:none;}
.comment_body {display:none;}
if yo have a cmnt section in your layout code..then make the comment body like what I have above!..that should do the trick!!..hope it works!!!
I wish I have a graphic tablet or some tablet of some kind. xD
Again, thanks =]
Well, just need practice to do it.
Yeah, it took about about 2 hours and a half. xD
Yes, it took a long time since I'm not used to drawing with a mouse.
*hugs...CUZ I CAN xDD* h xP!..oh I thought Teruki was Kanon...O.o'=OMFG HEWEIOJFCHJSLWOSIUCJDhdseod WHAT IS HE DOING WITH FLAT HAIR?!?!?!?!?*is super shocked* looks wet and frizzy to me(yeah...Kanon will get me for that xD)..Man,I wish they came to the US..(im still wishing for The Gazette to Come..and OF COURSE Alice Nine :3)!..
Lucky European Countries -_-'!
LMAO...NONOno..Im 15!!!Yeah I say im 20 only for fun,that's the age I wish to be,and...I feel old(my height) that's why(just like on my myspace..)..Yeah I have a Weird Habit for doing that -.-'!HAHA I WISH I DID..shoot,I would be happy...YOU TOO!!!lolz they HAVE TO WAIT FOR US(off to Japan We Go :B[lmao buck teeth face])!! xDD
Lolz we should go back and forth with Hugs *hugs again* xDD!
Haha Of Course...!!!
Oh what's this...An Cafe at a Store?!*points @ picture*...hehe AWWW CUTE x3!!..shoot which 1's Kanon?!..ahh NO I CAN'T TELL T-T...haha Whoa Miku is TALL :D!!!Lol the 1st guy is short(oops dont know his name either -.- *ashamed*)xD haha
Nice ;)...and Thank You lolz ^.^!
YAYZ 4 Snails!!
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